Industrial bay

Termini Imerese (Sicily, Italy). A beach covered with rubbish, nestled between industrial chimneys, populated by crowds of bathers. A disturbing spectacle, emblematic of the paradoxical relationship between humans and the natural ecosystem.

Festivals / Visioni Italiane | Hors Pistes – Centre Pompidou | Interfilm Berlin | DocUnder30 | Estate Doc | Sedicicorto | Venice Off | Vicoli Corti | Kaliber35 | Milano Film Festival

Awards / Milano Film Festival – “FAI il tuo film” Award | Venice Off – “Hors Pistes – Centre Pompidou” Award | Vicoli Corti – Slow Food special mention

Produced by: Aplysia / FAI / Intesa Sanpaolo
Directed by: Giuseppe Petruzzellis
Running time: 6
Year: 2009


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